Claudio Suárez Rojas; Máximo Escobar-Cabello; Camila Panes Villarroel; Mariano del Sol; Fernando Valenzuela-Aedo; Catherine Bravo; Miriam Castro; Daniel Conei & Rodrigo Muñoz-Cofré
Inspiratory Capacity (IC) is a variable closely linked to functionality and physical exercise, in Chile there are reference values for IC that may over or underestimate this condition in users. Thus, the objective of this research was to determine the local values of IC for the construction of reference equations. A total of 305 volunteers participated in the evaluations, of which 161 (53 %) were women and 144 (47 %) men, from March 2019 to February 2020. All complied with the requirements of the scientific ethics committee and signed the consent; the IC was evaluated on a body plethysmograph according to American Thoracic Society and the European Respiratory Society (ATS/ERS) recommendations. The highest IC values were found in the 18-25 age range with 3.24+0.36 L for women and 4.16+0.49 L for men, respectively. The IC had a critical inflection from the range of 46 to 55 years of age (women; p=0.026 and men; p=0.012), decreasing steadily. The measured IC showed differences with respect to the values of Lisboa et al. (2007) and Roca et al. (1998) (p<0.0001 and p<0.0001 in women and p=0.0028 and p=0.0107 in men). Predictive equations were obtained for both sexs, which showed significant differences with currently used values, thus, improving the diagnosis, control, and follow-up with reference values located will allow a more appropriate management in the Maule region, Chile.
KEYWORDS: Pulmonary Function; Reference Values; Inspiratory Capacity.
SUÁREZ, R. C.; ESCOBAR-CABELLO, M.; PANES, V. C.; DEL SOL, M.; VALENZUELA-AEDO, F.; BRAVO, C.; CASTRO, M.; CONEI, D. & MUÑOZ-COFRÉ, R. Inspiratory capacity reference values: respond to the place of origin?. Int. J. Morphol., 42(6):1474-1480, 2024.