Dong Jun Kim; Yujin Kim; Hyewon Hu; Min Suk Chung & Ji-Hyun Lee
Situs inversus totalis is a rare congenital condition characterized by the reversed positioning of internal organs. It can occur in various forms, including complete or partial reversal, and is often discovered accidentally through medical imaging or postmortem examination. In some cases, it may also be accompanied by vascular anomalies. This report describes a rare instance of Situs inversus totalis in an 83-year-old female cadaver (cause of death: multiple organ failure) during a dissection conducted by a medical student. The cadaver showed mirrored positioning of the thoraco-abdominal organs and blood vessels, along with variations in the vessels. Notable additional anomalies included the presence of an aberrant right subclavian artery and a bicarotid trunk, the absence of a brachiocephalic trunk and a recurrent laryngeal nerve. The rare anatomical anomaly of Situs inversus totalis, which involves the mirror- image transposition of the organs, is discussed with the additional anomalies highlighted. Thus, this report is expected to enhance the understanding of the correlation between Situs inversus totalis and associated anomalies and to provide useful information for accurate diagnosis and relevant surgical procedures.
KEY WORDS: Situs inversus totalis; Abnormalities; Subclavian artery; Recurrent laryngeal nerve.
KIM, D. J.; KIM, Y.; HU, H. W.; CHUNG, M. S. & LEE, J. H. Situs inversus totalis with aberrant left subclavian artery: A case report. Int. J. Morphol., 42(6):1663-1670, 2024.