Construction of a 3D Model of the Tracheobronchial Tree for Teaching Learning Human Gross Anatomy

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Janneth Zuñiga; Alexander Barragán-Acosta; Daniel Solís Ríos; Paulo Calvo & Sonia Osorio Toro


Human Anatomy is defined as the science of shapes and structures of the human body. The study allows us to know the name of the structures, their location, shape, their relationship with other parts and their general function. Human Macroscopic Anatomy (MHA) refers to the study of body structures that can be examined without a microscope. Among the various teaching proposals, 3D modeling is considered a key piece in scientific education since it promotes learning through development and requires different skills and processes related to scientific research. Therefore, it was proposed to design and implement a protocol for the construction of 3D models of hollow organs, such as the tracheobronchial tree for the teaching-learning of Human Macroscopic Anatomy. The modeling of the human tracheo-bronchial tree served to represent the respective main, lobar, segmental bronchi and respiratory bronchioles, in addition to the innervation of the vagus nerve in a pig tracheobronchial tree model. The 3D model implemented allowed us to differentiate the texture of the trachea and bronchi present in this anatomical region, with a correlated representation of the form and function of the structures contrasting the bronchopulmonary blocks of pig and human. The integration of biomedical engineering made it possible, through the use of technology, to emulate the nervous network of the X cranial nerve, in its path from its origin to the bronchi. The modeling of the tracheobronchial tree allowed us to represent the form, relationship and function of lung structures, through a three-dimensional structure, allowing us to differentiate the complex spatial location of these structures. The methodology developed for the construction of the model will be a laboratory tool that will improve learning and medical use.

KEY WORDS: 3D model; Human anatomy; Teaching; Learning.

How to cite this article

ZUÑIGA, J.; BARRAGÁN-ACOSTA, A.; SOLÍS, R. D.; CALVO, P. & OSORIO, T. S. Construction of a 3D model of the tracheobronchial tree for teaching-learning of Human Gross Anatomy. Int. J. Morphol., 42(6):1793-1800, 2024.