Study of morphology of mandibular canal through computed tomography.

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Carla Cabral dos Santos Accioly Lins; Raphaelle Lima de Almeida Beltrão; Wilber Fellipe de Lima Gomes & Márcia Maria Ribeiro


This work aimed to study the morphology of the mandibular canal in Computed Tomography (CT scans), in order to assist in the clinical and surgical management of dental interventions in the mandible area. The material used was composed of 377 CT scans, selected by age (between 15 and 80 years), obtained during the period from 2011 to 2013, belonging to a private practice radiology of the city of Caruaru-PE, Brazil. 96 of these met the inclusion criteria, with 37.5% male and 62.5% female. Concerning the form of the mandibular canal, all images presented: a single canal, bilateral, extending from the mandibular to the mental foramen, without any morphological change. 37.5% had mandibular canals classified as type I, 22,92% canals type II and III and 16,66% canals type IV. Thus, we emphasize the importance of knowing the anatomy of the mandible as well as the path of the inferior alveolar nerve by the mandibular canal, especially to perform the various procedures that are performed in this region in order to minimize injury to the neurovascular bundle.

KEY WORDS: Anatomy; Mandible; Computed tomography.

How to cite this article

LINS, C. C. S. A.; BELTRÃO, R. L. A.; GOMES, W. F. L. & RIBEIRO, M. M. Study of morphology of mandibular canal through computed tomography. Int. J. Morphol., 33(2):553-557, 2015.