New method for P-4 polyester resin inclusion for anatomical slices.

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Marcos Valenzuela O.; Bruno Catoia F.; Aleksandar Munjin P. & Fabio Valdés G.


The polyester resin (P-4) has been used in several anatomical techniques, due to its low cost, easy handling and elicit. Among them, the inclusion, which is performed on samples leaving relatively opaque layers and an important thickness which does not allow a clear vision of the structures. There is also the plastination of anatomical slices with this polymer which although, technically sophisticated and complex has a high economic cost. The objective is to develop a method for anatomical section inclusion, improving the quality of classic technique. Distal segment of human lower limb anatomical slices were used with an average thickness of 0.5 cm fixed with acetone and bovine brain slices equal thickness, fixed with 10% aqueous formalin. All the samples are dried in acetone at -17 °C. Subsequently, they are impregnated and included on polyester resin (P-4) at room temperature. Samples were obtained with good transparency and solidity that allows observation of details of many structures, similar to that obtained with the resin plastination technique. Using this relatively easy method we can get very good quality anatomical samples.

KEY WORDS: Tissue preservation; Inclusion; Polyester resin.

How to cite this article

VALENZUELA, O. M.; CATOIA, F. B.; MUNJIN, P. A. & VALDÉS, G. F. New method for P-4 polyester resin inclusion for anatomical slices. Int. J. Morphol., 33(1):275-278, 2015.