Teaching Embryology Using Models Construction in Practical Classes

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Tales Alexandre Aversi-Ferreira; Roqueline A. G. M. F. Aversi-Ferreira; Guilherme Nobre Lima do Nascimento; Enkhjargal Nyamdavaa; Mariana Ferreira Araujo; Peandra Paula Ribeiro; Nattany Camila da Silva; Lorraine Dias Brandão; Lúcia Helena Almeida Gratão; Tainá de Abreu; Gabriel de Abreu Pfrimer; Vanessa Vieira de Souza; Nayane Peixoto Soares; Etsuro Hori & Hisao Nishijo


Recently, the curriculum and the educational methodologies associated with health sciences courses are being reviewed and adapted. Pre-clinical sciences, such as anatomy and embryology are as well subjected to those changes. In human embryology courses it is common to use models to represent the different phases of development to facilitate learning, since the students can see and touch the models, obtaining knowledge by analogies. The purpose of the present study was to investigate if the construction of models by the students during practical embryology classes would improve or facilitate their learning. One year after the classes, 60 students answered a questionnaire with nine objective questions, including spaces for suggestions and observations. The student's responses suggested that the construction of models contributed to their learning.

KEY WORDS: Education; Education Nursing; Embryology; Health Science Education; Models; Morphology.

How to cite this article

AVERSI-FERREIRA, T. A.; AVERSI-FERREIRA, R. A. G. M. F.; NASCIMENTO, G. N. L.; NYAMDAVAA, N.; ARAUJO, M. F.; RIBEIRO, P. P.; DA SILVA, N. C.; BRANDÃO, L. D.; GRATÃO, L. H. A.; ABREU, T.; PFRIMER, G. A.; SOUZA, V. V.; SOARES, N. P.; HORI, E. & NISHIJO, H. Teaching embryology using models construction in practical classes. Int. J. Morphol., 30(1):188-195, 2012.