Comparison of Body Composition and Muscle Mass Body Segment in Students of Physical Education and Sports of Different Disciplines

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Fernando Javier Rodríguez Rodríguez; Francisco José Berral de la Rosa; Atilio Aldo Almagià Flores; María Fernanda Iturriaga Zuleta & Fabián Rodríguez Briceño


The anthropometric equations for estimating muscle mass provide the values of total muscle mass (MM total)only. In a recent paper (Rodriguez et al., 2010) proposed an equation to estimate muscle mass in the upper and lower limb. We evaluated 68 subjects, physical education students, rugby players, football players and gymnasts. The rugby group had a greater amount of muscle mass in the upper limb (MMES) than other groups. The MM and total muscle mass of the lower limb (MMEI) was significantly higher in rugby players, compared to other subjects. The distribution of muscle mass by body regions was different between sports, since the requirements differ from one muscle to another, with each athlete becoming a specialist in his or her area of motor development. MMEI mass represents more than half the total MM therefore higher MMEI, increased total MM.

KEY WORDS: Anthropometry; Sport; Physical education; Rugby; Football; Gymnastics.

How to cite this article

RODRÍGUEZ, R. F. J.; BERRAL, D. L. R. F. J.; ALMAGIÀ F. A. A.; ITURRIAGA, Z. M. F. & RODRÍGUEZ, B. F. Comparison of body composition and muscle mass body segment in students of physical education and sports of different disciplines. Int. J. Morphol., 30(1):7-14, 2012.