Historic and Teaching Aspects of Anatomy and Cebus Genus Role in Contemporary Anatomy

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Gabriel de Abreu Pfrimer; Tainá de Abreu; Vanessa Souza Vieira; Nayane Peixoto Soares; Roqueline A. G. M. F. Aversi-Ferreira; Lúcia Helena Almeida Gratão; Guilherme Nobre Lima do Nascimento; Hisao Nishijo & Tales Alexandre Aversi-Ferreira


Anatomy is the science that studies the body and a basic discipline in health and biological sciences indispensable to students that study this area, and plays a important role in the comparison of species. Nowadays anatomy is falling into academic and scientific crisis. Recently, the number of papers and reviews on health science education have increased considerably. Pre-clinical disciplines are essential for all health and biological science courses; among them anatomy is considered to be the basis of morphological sciences. For that reason, throughout history, this discipline has been viewed as a factual knowledge base that must be learned in its entirety. History of anatomy demonstrated that teaching in this area is facilitated by the use of dissection of both animal and human disciplines. In absence of human cadavers, it is possible to use animals for dissection for the benefits of students. The aim of this paper is to serve as a reminder to understand that anatomy is the basis of current health science and to realize what is important in the teaching of anatomy. It is also important to learn anatomy since researchers sometimes draw wrong conclusion because of lack of anatomical knowledge.

KEY WORDS: Anatomy' history; Anatomy's teaching; Capuchin monkeys; Cebus.

How to cite this article

PFRIMER, G. A.; ABREU, T.; VIEIRA, V. S.; SOARES, N. P.; AVERSI-FERREIRA, R. A. G. M. F.; GRATÃO, L. H. A.; NASCIMENTO, G. N. L.; NISHIJO, H. & AVERSI-FERREIRA, T. A. Historic and teaching aspects of anatomy and Cebus genus role in contemporary anatomy. Int. J. Morphol., 30(2):607-612, 2012.