Body Composition and Somatotype in Women's Football. South American Championship Sub-17

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Carlos Bahamondes Avila; Bernarda Macarena Cifuentes Cea; Eleazar Lara Padilla & Francisco José Berral de la Rosa


In order to analyze body composition and somatotype in women selected to participate in the national soccer teams, we studied 28 women, 19 selected from Columbia and 9 from Paraguay, with an average of 16.2 ± 0.66 years of age, participating in the South American Championship Sub 17 - Chile 2008, a qualifying event for the FIFA World Cup first category, New Zealand 2008. The evaluation followed the protocol established by the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry - ISAK. We determined the classification of total body mass in five types according to Kerr. To establish the somatotype the model proposed by Heath & Carter was used. Regarding body mass, the average kg and% of MA, MM and MO was 18.56 kg-33.28%; 21.80 kg-39.31%; 6.20 kg-11.18%. The classification of somatotype was endomorph-mesomorph, where there is an equal dominance of adiposity and muscularity on the relative linearity. The SDD of SM indicates no significant differences (p<0.05) exists among the different positions of the players, and the SDI suggests that the total group of evaluated players is homogeneous.

KEY WORDS: Soccer; Anthropometry; Muscle performance; Muscle-bone ratio; Biotype.

How to cite this article

BAHAMONDES, A. C.; CIFUENTES, C. B. M.; LARA, P. E. & BERRAL, R. F. J. Body composition and somatotype in women's football. South american championship sub-17. Int. J. Morphol., 30(2):450-460, 2012.