Comparative Morphometric Study of Human Cerebellar Cortex in Two Age Groups

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Storniolo Squintone A.; Guerini, J. C.; Fonseca, I. B.; Samar, M. E. & Spitale, L. S.


Histologically, the adult human cerebellar cortex has three constituent layers, the molecular layer, the row of bodies of Purkinje cells and internal granular layer. The cortex of the cerebellum of mammalian embryos, as well as youth, show external granular layer. Our goal is to document morphological differences between the layers of the cerebellar cortex adult and young. Microscopic morphometric studies were performed in 20 cerebellum autopsied. The cases were divided into two groups, adults and children under 1 year. Paraffin sections were performed, stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The cortex of adult cerebellum showed morphological differences of the newborn. In the adult cerebellum has three constituent layers, whereas in the newborn has a fourth layer, the external granular.

KEY WORDS: Cerebellum; Cortex; Layers; Adults; Children.

How to cite this article

STORNIOLO SQUINTONE, A.; GUERINI, J. C.; FONSECA, I. B.; SAMAR, M. E. & SPITALE, L. S. Comparative morphometric study of human cerebellar cortex in two age groups. Int. J. Morphol., 30(3):825-828, 2012.