Somatotype and Body Composition of the Male University Soccer Team at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Champions 2012-2013

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Atilio Almagia; Alberto Araneda; Javier Sánchez; Patricio Sánchez; Maximiliano Zúñiga & Paula Plaza


The objective of this study was to determine the somatotype and body composition of the male university soccer team at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV) and then compare them, according to playing positions and other soccer populations. Thirteen players of the university soccer team at PUCV underwent a kineanthropometric evaluation, using the full profile of the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK) protocol. The measures were performed in the 2013 pre- season. The somatotype of the male soccer team at PUCV corresponds to endomorphic-mesomorph (3.5–5.6–1.7). The average values of the body composition of the soccer team were 25.81% of fat mass, 47.41% of muscle mass, 10.68% of bone mass, 5.07% of skin mass and 11.03% of residual mass. No significant differences were observed among different playing positions with respect to the somatotype, for either body composition or any kineanthropometric variables analyze (p value >0.05). The somatotypical profile of the male university soccer team at PUCV is endo-mesomorphic, which is in accordance to a similar study conducted on university soccer players in Mexico. According to body composition, it was observed that the percentages of muscle and bone mass are in the acceptable ranges, while fat mass is elevated compared to other professional populations as well as other university soccer players.

KEY WORDS: Kinanthropometry; Somatotype; Body composition; Amateur soccer; University soccer.

How to cite this article

ALMAGIA, A.; ARANEDA, A.; SÁNCHEZ, J.; SÁNCHEZ, P.; ZÚÑIGA, M. & PLAZA, P. Somatotipo y Composición corporal de la selección de fútbol masculino universitario de Chile, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, campeona los años 2012 y 2013. Int. J. Morphol., 33(3):1165-1170, 2015.