Oral Fibrolipoma: Unusual Presentation of Common Tumors. Report of Two Cases and Review

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Alma Angélica Rodríguez Carreón; Leonardo Alvarez Paque; Juan Carlos Cuevas González; Rogelio Reyes Sanchez; Erika Rodríguez Lobato; Adalberto Mosqueda Taylor & Elisa Vega Memije


Lipomas are benign mesenchymal tumors of mature adipocytes. They correspond to almost 50% of soft tissue tumors, 1 to 5% of them localized in the oral cavity, especially in the oral mucosa, floor of mouth and lateral edges of the tongue. Oral lipomas are usually asymptomatic and the color depends of the thickness of the overlying mucosa. Histologically there are lobules of mature adipocytes surrounded by a fibrous capsule, and there are several types according to the additional tissue, being the most frequent the single lipomas and fibrolipomas. The course is benign and the definitive treatment is surgical excision. This article reports two cases of fibrolipoma, a common tumor in an unusual presentation.

KEY WORDS: Lipoma; Fibrolipoma; Adipocytes; Oral cavity.


How to cite this article

RODRÍGUEZ, C. A. A.; ALVAREZ, P. L.; CUEVAS, G. J. C.; REYES, S. R.; RODRÍGUEZ, L. E.; MOSQUEDA, T. A. & VEGA, M. E. Oral Fibrolipoma: Unusual presentation of common tumors. Report of two cases and review. Int. J. Morphol., 31(1):356-360, 2013.