Esophageal Motility Disorders in Patients with Primary Sjogren's Syndrome. Study of Cases and Controls

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Carlos Manterola; Tamara Otzen & Grupo MINCIR.


SUMMARY: Primary Sjögren's syndrome (PSS), affects various systems such as the digestive; highlighting the difficulty swallowing food bolus. The objective of this study is to describe the function and in patients with esophageal motility PSS compare them to healthy subjects. Case studies and tests conducted at the clinica Mayor Temuco (2004-2009). PSS patients with permanent dysphagia, regardless of age or sex (cases) were studied and digestive asymptomatic subjects (controls); matched for age and sex. We studied these with stationary esophageal manometry. Resting pressure (RP) and length (L) of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and upper (UES) was determined; amplitude (A) and duration (D) of the peristaltic waves triggered with dry and wet swallows in the three thirds of the esophageal body (S, M and I), and appearance of tertiary waves (TW). A sample of 20 cases and 40 controls were estimated. Descriptive statistics, Pearson Chi2 or Fisher's exact was applied for categorical variables; and t-test for continuous variables. The PREEI was lower in cases (11.8±0.7 mmHg vs. 14.8±0.5 mmHg respectively). Statistically significant differences in the AS, DM, DI and TW were verified after dry swallows; and in AS, AM, AI, DM, DI and TW after wet swallows. There were no changes in Prees or LEES between cases and controls. Lower esophageal motor disorders was checked in patients with PSS RPEEI, for a control group.

KEY WORDS: Sjogren's Syndrome; Esophageal diseases; Esophageal manometry; Case-control studies.

How to cite this article

MANTEROLA, C.; OTZEN, T. & GRUPO MINCIR. Esophageal motility disorders in patients with primary Sjogren's syndrome. Study of cases and controls. Int. J. Morphol., 34(1):285-290, 2016.