Sex Determination from Occipital Condylar Measurements by Baudoin Index in Forensic Purposes

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Osvaldo Fortes de Oliviera; Rachel Lima Ribeiro Tinoco; Eduardo Daruge Júnior; Laís Gomes de Araujo; Ricardo Henrique Alves da Silva & Luiz Renato Paranhos


In human identification for forensic purposes the sex is one of the most important and first features to be assessed in each case. Baudoin condylar index is a sex determination method based on measurements of length and width of the occipital condyle. The aim of this research was to apply the Baudoin condylar index for sex determination, and evaluate its reliability. The sample was composed of 100 Brazilian human skulls, 50 male and 50 female from São Gonçalo cemetery, City of Cuiabá, Brazil. The measurement values were statistically analyzed in order to compare the matching rate for each sex, each side, as well as the overall average. The results showed that the overall percentage of success in applying the Baudoin index was 44.83% to males, and 51.93% to females, amounting to 47.5% matching. The accuracy of the Baudoin index to sex determination was quite low for this Brazilian sample, the reason why this method should be disregarded as a criterion to sexing skulls in a forensic context.

KEY WORDS: Forensic dentistry; Forensic anthropology; Sex determination analysis; Skull.

How to cite this article

OLIVEIRA, O. F.; TINOCO, R. L. R.; DARUGE JÚNIOR, E.; ARAUJO, L. G.; SILVA, R. H. A. & PARANHOS, L. R. Sex determination from occipital condylar measurements by baudoin index in forensic porpoises. Int. J. Morphol., 31(4):1297-1300, 2013.