The study was conducted on 68 students, Chilean adults, of both sexes, between 17 and 32 years old, originally from the Region de la Araucanía, Chile. The vertical diameter (Nasion-Gnation, Na-Gn) and transverse diameter (bigoníac and bizygomatic; Go-Go and Zig-Zig, respectively) were recorded and total facial index (TFI) was calculated. To obtain the facial cone widths Go-Go and Zig-Zig were compared. We analyzed the relationship between: TFI v/s facial cone; TFI v/s sex; facial cone v/s sex. For statistical analysis the chi-square test, Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficient was used, considering significant p <0.05. The face height (Na-Gn) was 117.5 mm in men and 110.3 mm in women; the width of the upper face (Zg-Zg) was 126.9 mm in men and 124.4 mm in women. The facial height is different for men and women, being higher in men. The TFI was calculated from the measurements recorded and the following is obtained: in men there were 4 cases (5.9 %) euriprosopic, 4 (5.9 % ) mesoprosopic and 17 (25 %) leptoprosopic; in women there were 12 cases (17.6 %) euriprosopic, 12 (17.6 %) mesoprosopic and 19 (27.9%) leptoprosopic. We hereby conclude that in Chilean adults the facial height is different for men and women, being higher in men. The leptoprosopic type and triangular face is more common for men. The data obtained is a contribution to anthropological knowledge of a group of individuals in the South of Chile.
KEY WORDS: Anthropometry; Total facial index; Chilean individuals.