Combination of osteotecnia and preservation of muscles in unique assembly of Canis lupus familiaris

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Mauricio Armando Villarroel Guerra & Nazareth Andrea Troncoso Felipe


The teaching of anatomy is always in search of alternatives for the preservation and presentation of anatomical preparations, doing variations of different techniques that allow to present specimens with didactic goals so as to get a better learning, comprehension and motivation for morphology. The purpose of this study was to use a combination of osteotecnia and the preservations of muscles in a unique assembly allowing to study half of the skeleton and, in the other, the superficial muscles of a Canis lupus familiaris. A corpse of the specimen was used, fixed by freezing; then, a general cleaning was carried out, extraction of viscera and removal of teguments before the sagittal cut. On the right half, using boiling combined with mechanical methods and, subsequently, their degreasing and bleaching, prior to the skeleton’s assembly carried out the cleaning of the bones. For the preservation of muscles, the left half of the body was submerged in a “Chilean preserving and fixative solution” free from formaldehyde for 31 days, following the dissection of fascia and fatty tissue to delimit superficial muscles. Once each segment is treated, the combined assembly of the halves is made in anatomical position of the specimen, using stitches from cranial to cau- dal, over pedestals. The utilized technique of combined assembly provides a flexible didactic-anatomical material, of low-cost and low-toxicity, with the potentiality to allow reinforcing in an interactive way the meaningful learning of the students, making the observation easier as well as the study of topography of bones and muscles.

KEY WORDS: Anatomical technique; Osteotecnia; Conservation of muscles; Specimens anatomical.

How to cite this article

VILLARROEL, G. M. A. & TRONCOSO, F. N. A. Combination of osteotecnia and preservation of muscles in unique assembly of Canis lupus familiaris. Int. J. Morphol., 35(1):351-356, 2017.