A Comparative Study of Fixatives for Axolotl Blastema Tissue

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Ilknur Keskin; Berna Yıldırım; Bircan Kolbasi; Gürkan Öztürk & Turan Demircan


Regeneration is defined as tissue renewal and functional restoration process of the damaged parts of the body after an injury. Ambystoma mexicanum, commonly named the Axolotl, is one of the unique vertebrates, which has a remarkable ability to regenerate their extremities following the amputation. Although the process of regeneration includes several periods, it can be divided into two main phases; blastema formation and dedifferentiation. In the couple of hours following the amputation, wound closure occurs by migration of epithelial cells around the amputation site followed by macrophage infiltration and dedifferentiation of cells to turn into stem cells. Accumulated stem cells form a very authentic tissue type called blastema, which is crucial for successful regeneration. In order to evaluate this exceptional tissue and acquire high quality images, it is crucial to employ specific procedures to prepare the tissue for imaging. Here, in this study, we aimed to investigate success of various fixative solutions (Carnoy’s, Bouin’s, % 10 NBF, Clarke’s, Alcoholic Formaline and AFA) to monitor the fixed blastema. Our data reveals that integrity of the blastema tissue differs among used fixatives and a significant difference is observed between the samples in terms of staining quality.

KEY WORDS: Axolotl; Blastema; Fixatives; Histology.

How to cite this article

KESKIN, I.; YILDIRIM, B.; KOLBASI, B.; ÖZTÜRK, G. & DEMIRCAN, T. Comparative study of fixatives for axolotl blastema tissue. Int. J. Morphol., 35(1):47-51, 2017.