Transmigrated Canines Associated to Odontomas

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Carlos Salamanca; Nicolás Ernesto Ottone; César Arias Rubilar; Ivonne Garay & Ramon Fuentes


We present the case of a 13-year-old patient with bilateral transmigration of mandibular canine associated with multiple composite odontoma. Impacted canines are very uncommon, with a 0.1 % to 3.6 % prevalence of appearance. The presence in the mandible is less frequent. The odontoma development is often associated with the impacted canines. The etiology is unknown but is associated with traumatic, infectious, hereditary or genetic factors. This pathology is asymptomatic and associated with eruption disorders in temporal and permanent dentition.

KEY WORDS: Transmigrated canines; Odontomas; Panoramic radiography; Cone beam ct.

How to cite this article

SALAMANCA, C.; OTTONE, N. E.; ARIAS, R. C.; GARAY, I. & FUENTES, R. Transmigrated canines associated to odontomas. Int. J. Morphol., 35(2):465-468, 2017.