Histometric Parameters of Uterus and Vagina in Breeder Female Rabbits on the Day After Weaning According to the Ordinal Number of Parturitions

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José Alfonso Banda-Herrera; Jesús Aragón Hernández; Reyes López Ordaz; Jorge Hernández Espinosa & Mario Pérez-Martínez


The objective of this study was to establish in New Zealand female rabbits, the effect of ordinal number of parturitions on some histological parameters on the day after weaning. Tissue fragments of uterus and vagina were obtained from females of first, second and third parturitions and were processed imbedding them in paraffin in order to do histological cuts. In eight microscope fields captured by a camera connected to an optic microscope, the lumen and glandular endometrial epithelium height, as well as the thickness of vaginal and myometrium epithelium thickness were measured. From the results that were obtained it was concluded that there are significant differences (p<0.05) in histological parameters evaluated in uterus and vagina between does of different parturitions, which indicates that the number of parturitions has an effect on histometric characteristics of genital tract organs in breeder female rabbits.

KEY WORDS: Histometry; Uterus; Vagina; Weaning; Rabbit Doe.

How to cite this article

BANDA-HERRERA, J. A.; ARAGÓN, H. J.; LÓPEZ, O. R.; HERNÁNDEZ, E. J. & PÉREZ-MARTÍNEZ, M. Histometric parameters of uterus and vagina in breeder female rabbits on the day after weaning according to the ordinal number of parturition. Int. J. Morphol., 32(2):732-737, 2014.