Analysis of Behavior of Forces in a Pelvis-Soft Tissue Mechanical Model

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Diana Alicia Gayol-Mérida; Luis Alberto Enríquez-Rivera; Víctor Manuel Araujo-Monsalvo; Aylenid Alemán-Pérez; Livier Baez-Rivas & Víctor Manuel Domínguez-Hernández


Pressure ulcers are tissue damage resulting from the constant pressure on the underlying soft tissue to bony prominences for long periods. Some of the most common ulcers are developed at the ischial tuberosities area (ITs). It has been found that stresses produced in the underlying tissue to the ITs may exceed 5 to 11 times the surface stresses, making it necessary to estimate the forces generated between the soft tissue and the ITs. However, it is not possible to determine these stresses in vivo in a patient, due to ethical reasons. This paper presents a mechanical model of the pelvis-soft tissue in order to study the behavior of contact forces. The model simulates the load on the ITs of a male subject of 70 kg weight and 1.70 m height, which were recorded for 8 min. The registered forces in the model were compared with the surface forces estimated from pressure records measured by the Force Sensing Array system in a patient with spinal cord injury. After 2 min, both forces measured in the model, and the ones estimated in the patient followed the trend described by Crawford during clinical measurements of pressures during sitting. It was also found in the model that measured forces below the ITs are higher than those measured below soft tissue, which suggests that the model may be valid for the study of the forces generated inside the tissue.

KEY WORDS: Pressure ulcer; Pressure sensor; Mechanical model.

How to cite this article

GAYOL-MÉRIDA, D. A.; ENRÍQUEZ-RIVERA, L. A.; ARAUJO-MONSALVO, V. M.; ALEMÁN-PÉREZ, A.; BAEZ-RIVAS, L. & DOMÍNGUEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, V. M. Analysis of behavior of forces in a pelvis-soft tissue mechanical model. Int. J. Morphol., 35(3):979-985, 2017.