Utility of Masson’s Trichrome Stain in the Quantification of Mean Vascular Density in Normal Oral Mucosa, Epithelial Dysplasia and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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Felipe Cáceres; Gilberto Herrera; Alejandra Fernández; Javier Fernández; René Martínez; Daniela Carvajal & Ziyad S. Haidar


The objective of this study was to evaluate the utility of Masson's Trichrome (TM) staining in the quantification of the mean vascular density (DMV) in samples of normal oral mucosa (MON), oral epithelial dysplasia (ODE) and oral squamous cell carcinoma (COCE). The design is a descriptive study of case series. We analyzed 17 samples of MON, 15 samples of DEO and 16 samples of COCE, stained with TM. To determine usefulness, we compared and analyzed the same samples, either stained with TM or with immunohistochemical technique against CD31. Quantification of the DMV was performed in the 3 areas of greatest vascularization in each sample. DMV was determined according to diagnosis by TM staining and immunohistochemistry against CD31, and the correlation between the two was then calculated. DMV quantified with TM and against CD31 differs according to the diagnosis, with an increase in DMV upon malignant diagnosis. No differences were found when comparing DMV quantified with TM and against CD31. The correlation of the DMV analyzed by TM and against CD31 is significant and moderate. Quantification of blood vessels is possible by TM staining in samples of MON, DEO and COCE. TM staining is moderately correlated with immunohistochemistry against CD31.

KEY WORDS: Epithelial cells; Mouth neoplasms; Pathological neovascularization.

How to cite this article

CÁCERES, F.; HERRERA, G.; FERNÁNDEZ, A.; FERNÁNDEZ, J.; MARTÍNEZ, R.; CARVAJAL, D.& HAIDAR, Z. S. Utility of masson’s trichrome stain in the quantification of mean vascular density in normal oral mucosa, epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma. Int. J. Morphol., 35(4):1576-1581, 2017.