Radiological and Surgical Anatomy of the Liver and Fundamentals of the Various Options Liver Resections

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Carlos Manterola; Mariano del Sol; Nicolás Ernesto Ottone & Tamara Otzen


The liver is a solid organ which is most relevant for physiology. It is a potential site for cystic and solid (primary and secondary) benign and malignant tumor lesions. Therefore, thorough knowledge of its radiological and surgical anatomy is important. Historical background of liver resections began with Berta in 1716, who was the first to carry out the procedure. In 1888, Lagenbuch performed the first programmed liver resection and subsequently, in 1889 Keen performed the very first left hepatic lobectomy, followed by Webde in 1910, who performed the first right hepatic lobectomy. Later in 1957, Couinaud recorded a complete description of the segmental anatomy of the liver, providing a greater surgical understanding of the hepatic morphology, for approach in various pathologies. A fundamental milestone in the development of the liver study was the establishment of the “Brisbane Classification” by the Scientific Committee of the International Hepatobiliary-Pancreatic Association, which ended previous confusion between the French and Anglo-Saxon terminology. Furthermore, within the scope of anatomy, the introduction of Terminología Anatómica, by the International Federative Program of Anatomical Terminology (FIPAT) which depends on the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA), established the anatomical terms for the liver The objective of this manuscript is to provide a schematic summary of the surgical and radiological anatomy of the liver, on which the different options for liver resections are based.

KEY WORDS: Hepatic anatomy; Liver surgery; Hepatic resections; Hepatectomies; Sectioning.

How to cite this article

MANTEROLA, C.; DEL SOL, M.; OTTONE, N. E. & OTZEN, T. Radiological and surgical anatomy of the liver and fundamentals of the various options liver resections. Int. J. Morphol., 35(4):1517- 1524, 2017.