A Morphometric Study of Auricular Concha in the Population of Young Chinese Adults

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Zhaohua Zhu; Xiaomin Ji; Zhu Gao & Gang Hu


A detailed data of concha is currently not available. Therefore, the present study aimed to determine twelve morphometric measurements of concha, to investigate its sexual dimorphism and bilateral asymmetry, and to establish basic shapes of concha for both sexes and sides. The study sample comprised of 310 young Chinese aged 18-28 years. 141 left and 141 right ear impressions for females, 169 left and 169 right ear impressions for males were collected and scanned. The 3D coordinates of seven landmarks on each auricular concha were obtained using 3D scanning technology and curvature theory. From the landmarks, twelve morphometric measurements of concha were calculated and analyzed. The conchal morphometry exist significantly sexual dimorphism in this study sample. On average, all measurements were larger in males than in females regardless of the sides. There was significantly bilateral asymmetry among left and right conchae in both sexes. Some measurements were larger in the right sides and some measurements were larger in the left sides, but the bilateral difference in both measurements found to be less than 1mm. Additionally, the basic shapes of concha for both sexes and sides were established on the basis of the mean 3D coordinates of each landmark and the mean value of each measurement. The anthropometric method of this study could overcome the difficulty in locating landmarks of auricle complex structures, and attain a higher level of accuracy in the procedure of measurement. The quantitative description of conchal morphometry will be beneficial for plastic surgeons, and for the ergonomic design of hearing aids.

KEY WORDS: Ear Impression; Anthropometry; Conchal Morphometry; Sexual Dimorphism; Bilateral Asymmetry.

How to cite this article

ZHU, Z.; JI, X.; GAO, Z. & HU, G. A morphometric study of auricular concha in the population of young Chinese adults. Int. J. Morphol., 35(4):1451-1458, 2017.