Peripheral venipuncture is a very common and necessary procedure for the administration of multiple substances. Each Nurse must receive training in several aspects that allows him/her to acquire the competence to perform a safe venipuncture. One of the most relevant elements is related to applied anatomy, particularly with the description of various organization patterns of the superficial veins of the forearm, and their relation to nearby neurovascular structures. These patterns according to their distribution, could play for, or against complications during or after puncture. In this article, we describe the responses of teachers from the Nursing Schools of several regions of Colombia while teaching these anatomical subjects. It is noteworthy, that only 56,5 % of Nursing Schools included complete instruction of anatomical concepts that improve patient safety at the time of a peripheral venipuncture. Therefore, nearly 50 % of students do not receive information on updated anatomical terminology.
KEY WORDS: Venopuncture; Venous patterns.