Effects of a 20-Week Concurrent Training Program on Bone Metabolism in Elderly Women

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Cristiano Andrade Quintão Coelho Rocha; Andréa Carmen Guimarães; Brisa D’Louar Costa Maia; César Augusto Santos; Maria Helena Rodrigues Moreira; Estélio Henrique Martin Dantas; Paulina Yesica Ochoa-Martínez; Javier Arturo Hall- López & Edgar Ismael Alarcón Meza


The present study evaluated the effect of a 20-week concurrent training program on bone metabolism in elderly women. The sample consisted of 51 elderly women living in the municipality of Muriaé (MG), distributed into two groups: a concurrent training group (CTG = 25), with an average age of 69.44 ± 6.82 years, and a control group (CG = 26), with mean age of 68.30 ± 6.34 years. Biophysical parameters were determined based on weight, height and body mass index. Bone metabolism was assessed by collecting second-morning urine samples before and after intervention to analyze levels of the biochemical marker deoxypyridinoline (DPD), which quantifies bone resorption. Results: The results showed a post-intervention decline in DPD content in the GTC when compared to controls (p = 0.007) and an improvement in the variables weight, BMI and DPD between the GTC and GC (p = 0.000). Conclusion: Concurrent training was efficient in improving bone metabolism in the elderly population studied.

KEY WORDS: Aging; Physical training; Bone mineral content; Old people.

How to cite this article

ROCHA, C. A. Q. C.; GUIMARÃES, A. C.; MAIA, B. D. C.; SANTOS, C. A.; MOREIRA, M. H. R.; DANTAS, E. H. M.; OCHOA-MARTÍNEZ, P. Y.; HALL-LÓPEZ, J. A. & ALARCÓN, M. E. I. Effects of a 20-week concurrent training program on bone metabolism in elderly women. Int. J. Morphol., 36(2):655-660, 2018.