Supplementary supernumerary teeth in a partially edentulous adult patient: Case report

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Ramón Fuentes; Giannina Álvarez; Ivonne Garay; Alain Arias & Fernando José Dias


Cases in which the normal amount of teeth is exceeded for the primary or permanent dentition formula, are known as supernumerary teeth or hyperdontia. This can occur in single, or multiple form, unilaterally or bilaterally, and affect both maxilla and mandible. It is more prevalent in men, in permanent dentition and in the maxilla; the mesiodens type being the most common supernumerary. Its etiology is still not entirely clear, however, hyperactivity of the dental lamina associated to genetic and environmental factors is the most accepted theory. Supernumerary teeth can be asymptomatic and can only be detected in radiographs. They can also present various clinical manifestations such as dental malposition, delay in dental eruption, root resorption and diastemas. Treatment depends on the type of tooth and its relation with adjacent structures. In the following report we present the case of an asymptomatic, upper and lower partially edentulous 54-year-old male patient, who requested rehabilitation treatment at a private dental clinic in Temuco, Chile. In routine panoramic radiography, two supernumerary teeth were observed, one on each side of the mandible and in the premolar region. Upon reviewing these findings with cone beam computed tomography, it was determined that the supernumerary on the right side corres- ponded to a supplementary premolar and the supernumerary on the left side corresponded to a supernumerary of molariform morphology. In this case we determined to extract the teeth, due to their location and impact on subsequent rehabilitation treatment.

KEY WORDS: Supernumerary teeth; Hyperdontia; Premolar; Supplementary tooth.

How to cite this article

FUENTES, R.; ÁLVAREZ, G.; GARAY, I.; ARIAS, A. & DIAS, F. J. Supplementary supernumerary teeth in a partially edentulous adult patient: Case report. Int. J. Morphol., 36(1):478-482,2018.