Tactile/kinesthetic stimulation reverses the effects of prenatal stress in the CA3 region of the hippocampus in female rats: A stereological study

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Walter Sepúlveda Loyola; Daniela Martínez Osorio; German Rojas Cabezas; Alejandro Pacheco Valles & Héctor González Caro


This investigation was undertaken in order to know whether the postnatal tactile/kinesthetic stimulation is effective in reversing the Prenatal Stress, in the cytoarchitecture of the CA3 region of the hippocampus, in female pups. 12 pups of female rats from the Sprague-Dawley strain were distributed to Control Group (GC), the Prenatal Maternal Stress by restriction group (EP) and Prenatal Maternal Stress with postnatal tactile/ kinesthetic stimulation Group (EP-ETK). The Prenatal Maternal Stress in female pups increased neuronal density in CA3b and CA3c areas (p<0.001). When compared to Prenatal Maternal Stress, pups prenatal stress who received early tactile/kinesthetic stimulation showed a decrease in neuronal density in CA3b and CA3c areas (p < 0,001). Postnatal tactile/kinesthetic stimulation was shown to successfully reverse the Prenatal Maternal Stress effects by decreasing neuronal density in CA3b and CA3c hippocampal areas.

KEY WORDS: Hippocampus; Early stimulation. Prenatal Stress; Stereology.

How to cite this article

SEPÚLVEDA, L. W.; MARTÍNEZ, O. D.; ROJAS, C. G.; PACHECO, V. A. & GONZÁLEZ, C. H. Tactile/kinesthetic stimulation reverses the effects of prenatal stress in the CA3 region of the hippocampus in female rats: A stereological study. Int. J. Morphol., 36(3):1043-1048, 2018.