Eponymy that Difficult Obstacle that International Anatomical Terminology still does not Overcome

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Jorge Eduardo Duque Parra; John Barco Ríos & Manuela Duque Quintero


Language terminology is an instrument used by different sciences to transmit knowledge in a precise and unambiguous way. Due to the enormous amount of terms that existed to name the different anatomical structures, in 1887 the need arose to create an appropriate terminology, and in 1895 the Anatomical Nomina of Basel was established. Since then other terminologies have been proposed, until finally in 1998 the International Federative Committee of Anatomical Terminology publishes the current Terminologia Anatomica. Despite much effort to try to unify anatomical language in the morphological sciences, which would improve communication between health professionals and facilitate the teaching-learning process, part of the academic community continues to hold steadfast to traditional terminology, where eponyms predominate; while another sector ignores the existence of the Terminologia Anatomica, or simply does not care about updating its terminological language. It is therefore, necessary that new generations of professors of morphological sciences and journal editors know and apply the international anatomical terminology, but also make their students aware that it is easier to learn the anatomical language when using the morphofunctional logic, compared to the rote learning of eponymous terms, that does not provide any descriptive information.

KEY WORDS: Anatomy; Eponymous; Anatomical terminology.

How to cite this article

DUQUE, P. J. E.; BARCO, R. J. & DUQUE, Q. M. Eponymy that difficult obstacle that international anatomical terminology still does not overcome. Int. J. Morphol., 36(4):1206-1209, 2018.