Version of Femoral Neck: A Cadaveric Dried Bone Study

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Kimaporn Khamanarong; Wiphawi Hipkaeo; Piyawan Chatuparisute; Surachai Sae-Jung & Kaewjai Tepsutamarat


The aim of this study was to measure the version of femoral neck on dried Thai human femora. The version of femoral neck varies widely. It is important to know the version of femoral neck in a particular population to undertake successful femoral neck reconstructive surgery. Paired 216 dried femora of adult Thais from the bone collection maintained in the Department of Anatomy at the Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Thailand, were used to measure the version of femoral neck. The mean+SD femoral anteversion (FNA) was 16.21+5.24 degrees. The 95% confidence interval of FNA was from 15.48 to 16.94 degrees. The 95% confidence intervals of male and female average FNA were 14.75 to 16.90 and 15.59 to 17.59 degrees respectively. There was no significance difference of the FNA between males and females in both anteversion and retroversion groups. The average male FNA showed no statistical difference to average female anteversion. The 95% confidence intervals of males and females average retroversion were -8.22 to -4.80 and -7.71 to -4.47 degrees respectively. The average male retroversion showed no statistical difference to average female retroversion. The overall 95% confidence interval of femoral neck anteversion and retroversion were 15.48 to 16.94 degrees and -7.33 to -5.27 with no significant difference between males and females. These degrees of FNA must be considered when the femoral neck reconstructive surgery is planned.

KEY WORDS: Version femoral neck; Dried femora; Reconstructive surgery.

How to cite this article

KHAMANARONG, K.; HIPKAEO, W.; CHATUPARISUTE, P.; SAE-JUNG, S. & TEPSUTAMARAT, K. Version of femoral neck: a cadaveric dried bone study. Int. J. Morphol., 32(2):464-468, 2014.