Absence of Musculocutaneous Nerve Associated with Variations of Distribution Patterns of the Median Nerve

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Yong Zhang; Shengbo Yang; Fangjiu Yang & Peng Xie


Variations in the brachial plexus and the distribution patterns of its branches are not uncommon. A communicating branch, which is the most frequent variation, often arises from musculocutaneous nerve to median nerve. However, the branches arising from lateral cord of the brachial plexus and median nerve instead of musculocutaneous nerve are very rare. Detailed description of the abnormalities is important for surgical procedures. Our case study reports the musculocutaneous nerve was absent, a branch from the medial cord innervated the coracobrachialis muscle and two branches from the median nerve innervated the biceps and brachialis muscles, respectively. Moreover, the median nerve gave off the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve. This report provides evidence of such possible anatomical variations to surgeons, anesthetists and neurologists during clinical practice.

KEY WORDS: Brachial plexus; Musculocutaneous nerve; Median nerve; Absence.

How to cite this article

ZHANG, Y.; YANG, S.; YANG, F. & XIE, P. Absence of musculocutaneous nerve associated with variations of distribution patterns of the median nerve. Int. J. Morphol., 32(2):461-463, 2014.