Morphological Study of Nasopalatine Canal in Mexican Population Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography

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Alejandro Rocha Castillo; José Obed García Cortes; Francisco Javier Gutiérrez Cantú; Alejandra Ruiz Flores; Abraham Israel Muñoz-Ruíz; José Carlos López Ramírez & Jairo Mariel Cárdenas


Certain human structures present different dimensions and morphologies in each population and indivi- dual, the nasopalatine canal being one of these. It is located in the midline of the palate, and it contains the nasopalatine nerve and the terminal branch of the nasopalatine artery. The purpose of this study was to analyze and record measurements of the nasopalatine duct in Mexican population by Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). A total of 120 CBCT coronal, transversal and sagittal views were analyzed. The data were classified according to Bornstein ́s parameters. The normality of the variables was determined with the Shapiro Wilk test and the statistical significance was determinate by U-Mann Whitney test. A statistically significant difference was found in the evaluated variables of the nasopalatal canal between men and women. The data obtained determined that the morphology of the nasopalatine canal is variable and a morphological and di- mensional analysis before any surgical intervention related with the area is recommended.

KEY WORDS: Nasopalatine duct; Bor

How to cite this article

ROCHA CASTILLO, A.; GARCÍA CORTES, J. O.; GUTIÉRREZ CANTÚ, F. J.; RUIZ FLORES, A.; MUÑOZ- RUÍZ, A. I.; LÓPEZ RAMÍREZ, J. C. & MARIEL CÁRDE- NAS, J. Morphological study of nasopalatine canal in Mexican population using cone bean computed tomography. Int. J. Morphol., 37(4):1272-1279, 2019.