Characterization of the Stages in the Cycle of Embryo Development Sarda chiliensis chiliensis (Alva, 1987) in an Aquatic Re-Circulation System (SAR)

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Miranda, L.; Vilaxa, A.; Ávila R. & Rodríguez, M.


Aquatic re-circulation systems (SAR) are being used more and more in agriculture, especially in the north of Chile where the environment conditions are suitable for breeding in SAR (aquatic re-circulation system) of species such as Bonito (Sarda chiliensis chiliensis), whose embryo or larvae origins are unknown, which complicates the evaluation of a technical and economical possibility of developing its breeding in SAR. Due to this, bases for its breeding were determined in January 2013, for 45 days. The characterized embryo periods were 31 in 71, 83 hours, defined in 5 stages: Morula, Blastula, Gastrula, Neurulation and Metamery. From the larvae development 35 periods in 519 hours were observed, a pre-juvenile stage observed at 591 hours and a juvenile one. The eggs were translucent of a telolecitic type of a slow growing in relation to Sarda sarda and Sarda ch. lineolata, since it took them almost three days to hatch. The surviving and hatching rates were high (86,316±9,808% and 89,596±11,683% respectively), so the conditions for their development would be appropriate. Meanwhile, the larvae presented more similarities with Sarda sarda in the first periods of development. The crucial period was between the 81 and 89 hours of life, when the oily drop was re-absorbed; besides, this was a distinguishing feature with the other two species because it was the only one that presented just one oily drop in the larvae period. The possibility of a Sarda ch. chiliensis hatchery is inferred, due to the similarities with Sarda sarda, and because of the success obtained in this breeding. From the morphometric characters, future monitoring is suggested, the ones that represent the most variables in the stages of development such as length and height of the head, and length and height of the eye.

KEY WORDS: Embryo development; Sarda chiliensis chiliensis.

How to cite this article

MANTEROLA, C.; OTZEN, T. & CALO, L. Electronic resources for searching health scientific information. Database publication type. Int. J. Morphol., 32(4):1484-1491, 2014.