A Platform to Understand Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Extend Human Motor Neurons Longevity

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Cáceres, D. E.; Torres, F. C.; Castillo, C. A.; Maureira, A.; Franco-Campos, F. A.; Osorio, M.; Segovia, R.; Tapia, J. C. & Carrasco, M. A.


In vitro modeling of neurodegenerative diseases is now possible by using patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS). Through them, it is nowadays conceivable to obtain human neurons and glia, and study diseases cellular and molecular mechanisms, an attribute that was previously unavailable to any human condition. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is one of the diseases that has gained a rapid advance with iPS technology. By differentiating motor neurons from iPS cells of ALS- patients, we are studying the mechanisms underlying ALS- disease onset and progression. Here, we introduce a cellular platform to help maintain longevity of ALS iPS-motor neurons, a cellular feature relevant for most late-onset human diseases. Long term cultures of patient-derived iPS cells might prove to be critical for the development of personalized-drugs.

KEY WORDS: Motor neurons; Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS); Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS); Glia.

How to cite this article

CÁCERES, D. E.; TORRES, F. C.; CASTILLO, C. A.; MAUREIRA, A.; FRANCO-CAMPOS, F. A.; OSORIO, M.; SEGOVIA, R. TAPIA, J. C. & CARRASCO, M. A. A platform to understand amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and extend human neurons longevity. Int. J. Morphol., 37(4):1203-1209, 2019.