Body Composition Differences between Football Players of the Three Top Football Clubs

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Jovan Gardasevic & Dusko Bjelica


The aim of this research was to determine the differences among the football players of three the most successful football clubs in Kosovo, FC Trepca ́89, FC Prishtina and FC Besa Peje in a terms of morphological characteristics and body composition. A sample of 53 subjects was divided into three sub-samples. Fifteen (15) players of FC Trepca ́89 of the average age 21.80±3.57, the champions of Kosovo, twenty (20) players of FC Prishtina of the average age of 24.30±4.99, the vice champions of the Kosovo Championship, and eighteen (18) players of FC Besa Peje of the average age 21.83±3.17, the champions of the Cup of Kosovo. Football players were tested immediately after the end of the competition season. Morphological characteristics in the body composition were evaluated by a battery of 10 variables: body height, body weight, waist circumference, triceps skinfold, biceps skinfold, skinfold of the back, abdominal skinfold, body mass index, fat percentage and muscle mass. The significance of the differences between the players of the three the most successful football clubs in the morphological characteristics and variables for assessing body composition were determined by ANOVA and LSD post hoc test. ANOVA test found that the football players of the three mentioned clubs have statistically significant differences in one variable that estimate the waist circumference. The LSD Post Hoc test showed that football players of FC Besa Peje had significantly less value of waist circumference compared to the football players of FC Prishtina and FC Trepca ́89. The values of the waist circumference of all football players show that they belong to professional trained players, although their differences in this variable are statistically significant.

KEY WORDS: Body composition; Morphological Characteristics; Football.

How to cite this article

GARDASEVIC, J. & BJELICA, D. Body composition differences between football players of the three top football clubs. Int. J. Morphol., 38(1):153-158, 2020.