Multimodal HIIT is More Efficient Than Moderate Continuous Training for Management of Body Composition, Lipid Profile and Glucose Metabolism in the Diabetic Elderly

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Louzada Jr., A.; Da Silva, J. M.; Da Silva-Vernon, F.; Castro, A. C. M.; De Freitas, R. E.; Cavalcante, B. J.; Dos Santos, K. M.; Albuquerque, A. P. A.; Brandão, P. P.; Bello, M. N. D.; Guimarães, A. C.; Carvalho, M C. G. A.; Pernambuco, C. S.; Lima, E. B. R.; Coelho, R. R.; Santos, C. A. S.; Bezerra, J. C. P.; Dantas, E. H. M.; Romeu Silva, P. M.; Da Silva, C. F.; Sampaio, A. N. & Valentim-Silva, J. R.


The exercise could play a central role to the fat management and glucose metabolism what can be a critical role in the health status of diabetic people, but the high intense exercise remains with controversial data about their effects. To identify the effect of the multimodal high-intensity interval training on body composition, lipid profile, and glucose metabolism in elderly diabetics. Methods: Elderly diabetic individuals (n = 48) were randomly divided in a Sedentary Control (SC) group, a Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training (MICT) group, and a High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) group. MICT and HITT were conducted over 60 days, 3x per week, with 40 minutes of exercise. Blood was collected prior to intervention, at four, and at eight weeks subsequently to assess glucose metabolism and lipid profiles. Body composition was determined before and after the intervention period. To verify the normality Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test was performed, followed by student "t" test or two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s post hoc test with significance of 5 % the Cohen’s f test to indicate the magnitude of the differences. HIIT significantly lowered cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and significantly lowered blood glucose and glycosylated haemoglobin levels (p<0.05). MICT and HIIT significantly increased levels of high-density lipoprotein, decreased total body mass and body mass index. HIIT resulted in significantly smaller waist circumferences, waist-to-hip ratios, and weight-to-height ratios over 60 days of training. HIIT is more effective than MICT for improving lipid and glycaemic profiles, decreasing body fat, and improving fat distribution elderly diabetics.

KEY WORDS: High-Intensity Interval Training; Body Composition Assessment; Glucose Metabolism; Dyslipidaemia; Diabetes; Elderly.

How to cite this article

LOUZADA JR., A.; DA SILVA, J. M.; DA SILVA-VERNON, F.; CASTRO, A. C. M.; DE FREITAS, R. E.; CAVALCANTE, B. J.; DOS SANTOS, K. M.; ALBUQUERQUE, A. P. A.; BRANDÃO, P. P.; BELLO, M. N. D.; GUIMARÃES, A. C.; CARVALHO, M C. G. A.; PERNAMBUCO, C. S.; LIMA, E. B. R.; COELHO, R. R.; SANTOS, C. A. S.; BEZERRA, J. C. P.; DANTAS, E. H. M.; ROMEU SILVA, P. M.; DA SILVA, C. F.; SAMPAIO, A. N. & VALENTIM-SILVA, J. R. Multimodal HIIT is more efficient than moderate continuous training for management of body composition, lipid profile and glucose metabolism in the diabetic elderly. Int. J. Morphol., 38(2):392-399, 2020.