Method of Determining the Location of the Sexual Neurovascular Bundle (Internal Pudendal Artery, Internal Pudendal Vein and Pudendal Nerve)

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Zhandarov K. A.; Dydykin S. S.; Vasil’ev Yu. L.; Nelipa M. V.; Kytko O. V. & Mirontsev A.V.


Disorders in the course of the neurovascular bed of the sexual neurovascular bundle (NVB) entail problems of gynecological, andrological and urological nature, for example, the state of impotence in men. The aim of the study was to establish a method to determine a projection. The Arteria pudenda interna, Vena pudenda interna and Nervus pudendus (sexual neurovascular bundle or NVB) from the infrapiriform foramen to the Alcock’s canal (pudendal canal) in which the pudendal neurovascular bundle runs. Topographic and anatomical study was performed on 15 corpses without organ complex (remote shore): 9–from men and 6–women, aged 36 to 74 years. Each object of study (corpse) included 2 pairs of sexual NVB, a total of 30 investigated. The information obtained on the projection branches of the pudendal nerve, and pudendal internal artery and pudendal internal vein from infrapiriform foramen to the entrance of the pudendal canal. A method for determining the projection of sexual NVB in the gluteal region was developed. The projection of Arteria pudenda interna, Vena pudenda interna and Nervus pudendus from the infrapiriform foramen in the gluteal region and to the entrance of the pudendal canal is determined. The morphometric data necessary for the mathematical equation developed by us for the calculation of the boundaries of the projection of the desired plane in the course of the sexual NVB are obtained . Using these data in the method of mathematical calculation developed by us using the formula C'c’ = 0,2679 x (A'G-AD+3), we determined the projection of the figure, in the form of a trapezoid, in the center of which the projection of the sexual NVB is determined.A method for determining the projection of the sexual neurovascular bundle in the gluteal region for diagnosis and therapeutic effects on sexual NPS was developed.

KEY WORDS: Sexual neurovascular bundle; Anatomical study; Pudendal canal.

How to cite this article

ZHANDAROV, K. A.; DYDYKIN, S. S.;VASIL’EV YU, L.; NELIPA, M. V.; KYTKO, O. V. & MIRONTSEV, A. V. Method of determining the location of the sexual neurovascular bundle (internal pudendal artery, internal pudendal vein and pudendal nerve). Int. J. Morphol., 38(4):1142-1147, 2020.