E-Learning and TIC Technologies in Long-Term Learning of Human Anatomy of Health Students: A Review of the Literature

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Leonardo Steven García; Janneth Zuñiga & Luz Edith Perez Trejos


The objective of this review was to identify studies that explore e-learning and ICT technologies and their impact on long-term learning, and to evaluate the quality of studies in this area. Searches were carried out in databases PubMed (Medline), Ovid (Cochrane Central), Ovid (Medline), Ovid (Glo- bal Health), Scopus, Web of Science (clarivate) and Science Direct, including keywords: Education Distance, e-Learning, Learning , Learning Curve, Long Term Memory, Active Learning, Repetition Anatomy, Anatomy Cross-Sectional, Anatomy Regional, Students Health Occupations and Medical education. Three evaluators independently assessed the quality of the studies using the Medical Education Research Study Quality (MERSQI) instrument. The total results were initially 557 research articles, and after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 25 articles were identified. Following a review of the articles, 2 studies were included that met the synthesis criteria in this study. In conclusion, integrating e-learning and ICT technologies facilitate the evaluation of long- term learning, provide motivation and increase knowledge skills, in addition to being a tool for the Teaching-learning-evaluation process. However, further research is needed to evaluate the impact of the preponderant factors of long-term learning, while using e- learning and ICT technologies.

KEY WORDS: Distance Education; Learning; Long Term Memory; Anatomy; Students in the Health Area.

How to cite this article

GARCÍA, L. S.; ZUÑIGA, J. & PÉREZ, T. L. E. E-learning and tic technologies in long-term learning of human anatomy of health students: a review of the literature. Int. J. Morphol., 39(2):396-400, 2021.