Importance of the Cephalic Antebrachial Vein Termination Site

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Edgar Giovanni Corzo Gómez; Diana Isabel Cáceres Rivera; Rocío Calderón Mortigo & Luis Alberto López Romero


The superficial veins of the ulnar fossa have been studied for various purposes, venipuncture, catheterization, fistulae, among others. Various venous patterns have been described in this region in different populations. In one of these, the cephalic vein ends in the basilic vein at the level of the forearm, generating possible risks of injury during cannulation. In the present study, 200 upper limbs of 100 Colombians, 50 women and 50 men, were evaluated, 70 of them born in the city of Bucaramanga and 30 in the city of Villavicencio. The number of cephalic veins and their termination site, on the arm or forearm, were recorded. The venous pattern that predominated in both upper limbs was type I. Pattern IV in which the cephalic vein ends in the basilic vein occurred in 12 cases (6 %) in the right upper limb and in 17 cases (8.5 %) in the left upper limb. Two cephalic veins were found between 13 % and 13.5 % depending on the side and three cephalic veins between 1 % and 2 %. Knowing this particularity of venous patterns could reduce the risk of complications during venipuncture.

KEY WORDS: Cephalic vein; Venopuncture; Venous Patterns.

How to cite this article

CORZO, G. E. G.; CÁCERES, R. D. I.; CALDERÓN, M. R. & LÓPEZ, R. L. A. Importancia del sitio de terminación de la vena cefálica del antebrazo. Int. J. Morphol., 39(3):705-709, 2021.