Ethics and Administrative Jurisprudence of the Rights of Subjects of Research in Pandemic (COVID-19): Role of the Scientific Ethics Committees: Chile

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Omar Espinoza-Navarro & Sebastián Rivera Gutiérrez


Every government must react quickly and effectively to any pandemic, Chile is no exception and supported by the state of Constitutional Exception, it has had to implement measures that could involve little information about people's perceptions and reactions during the implementation of the restrictions. International health institutions have determined that it is a moral duty to carry out research that generates evidence that promotes and improves health care and the mitigation of the pandemic, urging to reduce the practical “obstacles” to ethical review. The objective of this study was to analyze from the perspectives of ethical and legal considerations, the role that Scientific Ethics Committees play in the management and protection of people during the COVID-19 pandemic. The methodology used was based on collecting information from national and international Health Institutions and then analyzing it according to the administrative jurisprudence of the Chilean government. It is concluded that the changes in criteria that the CECs must observe in the process of reviewing the protocols of scientific research projects, must ensure the protection of the rights of patients and research subjects insofar as it may involve sensitive information, even more if the serious consequences of its transgression are considered. Giving a different meaning to the one that corresponds may result in "lack of service" and eventual violation of the rights of the research subject. The task of the CEC, must always be carried out from a restrictive interpretation, recognizing the public function that they fulfill as an integral part of the ethical work entrusted by the legislators to that effect.

KEY WORDS: Ministry of Health; Ethical Acceptability; Pandemic Management; Chile.

How to cite this article

ESPINOZA-NAVARRO, O. & RIVERA, G. S. Ethics and administrative jurisprudence of the rights of subjects of research in pandemic (COVID-19): role of Scientific Ethics Committees: Chile. Int. J. Morphol., 39(3):785-788, 2021.