Somatotype Migration in Professional Soccer Players Over the Last Decades

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Heliodoro Moya-Amaya; Antonio Molina-López; Antonio Jesús Berral-Aguilar; Daniel Rojano-Ortega & Francisco José Berral-de la Rosa


The aim of this study was to analyze the morphological configuration of soccer players of an Italian first division team and to compare it with research published in recent decades. A total of 23 players were evaluated at mid-season, using the anthropometric field method and the values were processed with the KINBIA® software. It was established that the somatotype of the sample is ecto-mesomorphic (1,52 - 4,7 - 2,63) and no significant differences were found between playing positions. A graphical representation of the somatotypes by playing position and somatotype migration from soccer researches of the last decades was made. It is concluded that the current elite soccer player has reduced the endomorphic component and there are non-significant differences in somatotype according to the playing position. The territory of influence of these athletes in the somatochart has been evolving over the last two decades, shifting from balanced mesomorphy to ecto-mesomorphy.

KEY WORDS: Biotype; Anthropometry; Kinbia; High performance; Soccer.

How to cite this article

MOYA-AMAYA, H. ; MOLINA-LÓPEZ, A. ; BERRAL- AGUILAR, A. J.; ROJANO-ORTEGA, D. & BERRAL-DE LA ROSA, F. J. Somatotype migration in professional soccer players over the last decades. Int. J. Morphol., 40(2):327-333, 2022.