Variations of the Cerebral Arterial Circle. Morphological and Clinical Analysis

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Riveros, A.; Vega, C.; Negroni, M.; Villagrán, F.; Binvignat, O. & Olave, E.


The variations knowledge of the cerebral arterial circle (CAC) is relevant due to its influence on the development of ischemic encephalic disorders. Among these variations, when the external diameter of the posterior communicating artery exceeds the posterior cerebral artery caliber, we have a fetal conformation of this circle. The aim of this study was to describe the variations of the CAC in Chilean individuals and to know the type of arterial conformation. Thirty adult brains were used to measure lengths and caliber of the pre-communicating segments of the anterior (A1) and posterior (P1) cerebral arteries, and the anterior (ACoA) and posterior (PCoA) communicating arteries. The arterial conformation type was established, and the length and caliber of these vessels were compared according to the right or left side. It was observed that 76.6 % of the CACs presented aplasia and / or hypoplasia. Of its components, PCoA was hypoplasic in 53.3 %, appearing bilaterally in 40 % of the subjects. The comparison according to the side, indicated that the mean length of A1 and PCoA on the right side was slightly higher. In the case of caliber, the mean of A1, P1 and PCoA was higher on the left side. Regarding P1 and PcoA caliber, 33 % of the CACs presented unilateral fetal conformation. Regardless of the variability presented by the CAC, there is consensus that PCoA exhibits the greatest variability. The understanding of this variability requires an analysis of the embryonic aspects that can explain the fetal conformation of the CAC in the adult.

KEY WORDS: Anatomy; Blood supply; Cerebral Arterial Circle; Hypoplasia; Anatomical variations.

How to cite this article

RIVEROS, A.; VEGA, C.; NEGRONI, M.; VILLAGRÁN, F.; BINVIGNAT, O. & OLAVE, E. Variations of the cerebral arterial circle. Morphological and clnical analysis. Int. J. Morphol., 40(3):632-639, 2022.