E-Learning and Impact on the Teaching and Assessment of Human Anatomy During COVID 19: A Review of the Quality of the Literature

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Leonardo Steven García


E-learning (electronic learning) is the process of teaching, learning and evaluation, through the internet and technology, that is, it is focused on learning methods, the expansion and connection of information, which in the use of a computer as an artifact in the learning process. The purpose of this review was to identify studies that explore e-learning technologies and their impact on the teaching and assessment process of Human Anatomy, and to assess the quality of published research. A systematic review of the literature was carried out in the databases Pudmed (Medline), Ovid (Cochrane Central), Ovid (Medline), Scopus, Web of science (clarivate) and Science Direct, including the keywords: Examination, Teaching, COVID-19 medical education, COVID- 19, Medical student exams, Anatomy, Students, Medical. Research quality was assessed using the Medical Education Research Study Quality (MERSQI) instrument. In total, 202 research articles were found, and when applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 24 articles were identified; After reading the articles, four investigations were chosen that met the synthesis criteria in this review. In general, the results showed a favorable impact of e- learning technologies since it facilitated access, flexibility and learning pace for each student, it also promoted new forms of teaching and evaluation in the discipline of Human Anatomy in medical students. during the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, medical education for basic science in human anatomy indicates a transition from blended face-to-face and virtual learning to a blended learning model (b-learning).

KEY WORDS: Teaching; Learning; E-learning; COVID-19; Human anatomy; Medicine students.

How to cite this article

GARCÍA, L. S. E-learning and impact on the teaching and evaluation of human anatomy during covid 19: a review of the quality of the literature. Int. J. Morphology., 40(4):902-908, 2022.