Adaptation of Llombart's Silver Impregnation Technique for Demonstration of Nerve Fibers in Any Tissue in Paraffin Sections

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Patricia Rivas Manzano; Carlos Tonatiuh Chavira Ramírez & Rosario Ortiz Hernández


In Biological research is still necessary for the demonstration of the peripheral innervation in numerous tissues and organs. The aim of this study was to rescue and modernize one of the most consistent methods that we have tried to demonstrate peripheral innervation. Llombart's technique for nerve fibers was adapted by paraffin cuts of 7 µm in different animal tissue. The silver impregnation was done by dripping in a moist chamber. It was demonstrated in a constant, precise and serial form, nerve terminations, and sensorial corpuscles, neurons, and peripheral nerve fibers. Despite being highly specific to nerve fibers, the technique does not sacrifice tissue panorama so it gives beautiful images set. Without being a technique to argentaffin structures, it clearly shows two types of argentaffin cells in the adrenal glands. The addition of the metal reactive in droplets and in a humid chamber provides a very economical variant.

KEY WORDS: Silver impregnation; Nerve fibers; Peripheral innervation; Argentaffin cells.

How to cite this article

RIVAS, M. P.; CHAVIRA, R. C. T. & ORTIZ, H. R. Adaptation of the Llombart’s silver impregnation technique for demonstration of nerve fibers in any tissue in paraffin sections. Int. J. Morphol., 32(3):973-980, 2014.