Educational Gamification in the Cell Biology Laboratory

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Alicia Navarro-Sempere; Magdalena García; Encarnación García; Daniela Jiménez; Vanessa Pinilla; Ana Belén López-Jaén; Pascual Martínez-Peinado; Sandra Pascual-García; José Miguel Sempere & Yolanda Segovia


The incorporation of gamification strategies in teaching has been described as a tool to increase the motivation and engagement of students with the subject. Under this premise, an educational innovation experience has been developed using the Kahoot! platform in the first and last laboratory practice of the Cell Biology course of the Biology degree. The participants were 135 students divided into 12 laboratory groups, which were divided into experimental and control groups. All groups solved a questionnaire on paper about the concepts explained in class, at the end of both practices (post-test), but only the experimental groups solved a questionnaire before the class (pre-test). Before the first practice, students in the experimental groups answered the pre-test using Kahoot! However, for the last practice, some groups solved it by playing Kahoot! and others with pen and paper. The results showed that those students who were selected to play Kahoot! obtained a higher number of correct answers in the test performed after the practical session (post-test) than those who did not solve any pre- test or who did it in a classical way. Therefore, our results suggest that implementing gamification in teaching considerably increases student motivation, probably due to physiological changes experienced by the brain during the game and the creation of a positive climate, which facilitates the learning process.

KEY WORDS: Kahoot!; Game-based learning; Motivation; Higher education.

How to cite this article

NAVARRO-SEMPERE, A.; GARCÍA, M.; GARCÍA, E.; JIMÉNEZ, D.; PINILLA, V.; LÓPEZ-JAÉN, A. B.; MARTÍNEZ- PEINADO, P.; PASCUAL-GARCÍA, S.; SEMPERE, J. M. & SEGOVIA, Y. Educational gamification in the cell biology laboratory. Int. J. Morphol., 40(6):1426-1433, 2022.