Abnormal Obturator Artery with Ipsilateral Inferior Epigastric Artery Passed Behind the Femoral Vein

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Wenxin Xue; Yan Tang; Weiwen Zhao; Hongli Miao; Shuman Qing; Kaijia Pi; Ziyu Chen; Yueshang Lei & Yong Zheng


Clear awareness of the vascular variations is critical in surgeries, which may cause massive hemorrhage during surgical procedures. During educational dissection of a male cadaver, we encountered a combined variation of the left obturator artery and ipsilateral aberrant inferior epigastric artery. The left obturator artery originated from the external iliac artery, then coursed inward, adherent to the superior pubic ramus. The left inferior epigastric artery originated from the femoral artery, and coursed behind the femoral vein. These anatomical variations shown in one person were extremely rare. This is particularly true with regard to these variations while performing pelvic and inguinal region surgeries.

KEY WORDS: Obturator artery; Inferior epigastric artery; Femoral vein; Inguinal region.

How to cite this article

XUE, W.; TANG, Y.; ZHAO, W.; MIAO, H.; QING, S.; PI, K.; CHEN, Z.; LEI, Y. & ZHENG, Y. Abnormal obturator artery with ipsilateral inferior epigastric artery passed behind the femoral vein. Int. J. Morphol., 41(1):164-166, 2023.