Time Spent to Estimate Dental Age in Peruvian Children Comparing the Demirjian Method and the Comprehensive Chart Based on Demirjian Method: A Pilot Study

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Mayra Palomino-Soto; Kilder Carranza-Samanez; Julissa Dulanto-Vargas; Milushka Miroslava Quezada-Marquez; Gabriel M. Fonseca & Fernando Ramirez-Wong


The objective of this study was to compare the time used to estimate dental age (DA) between the method proposed by Demirjian et al., and the comprehensive chart for dental age estimation (DAEcc) using digital panoramic radiographs of Peruvian individuals aged 5 to 13 years residing in Lima. A non- experimental, comparative, cross-sectional and retrospective study was carried out. 100 digital panoramic radiographs showing seven mandibular left permanent teeth were used. A trained and calibrated forensic odontologist determined the time used to assess tooth maturation and DA estimation with two methods (Demirjian and DAEcc). The unit of measurement used was minutes (min.). There were no differences in the evaluation time of the dental maturation stage between both methods (p<0.05). The time spent to estimate DA was statistically less with DAEcc (2.09 min) than with Demirjian (4.19 min). The difference in total evaluation time was statistically significant between both methods (∆2.1 min; 2.05-2.11; p=0.000).The application of DAEcc reduced by 50 % the time spent estimating DA compared to the method proposed by Demirjian. Although forensic odontology focuses on the study of the effectiveness of age estimation, its practical use needs to be addressed as well.

KEY WORDS: Dental age estimation; Forensic odontology; Demirjian method.

How to cite this article

PALOMINO-SOTO, M.; CARRANZA-SAMANEZ, K.; DULANTO-VARGAS, J.; QUEZADA-MARQUEZ, M. M.; FONSECA, G. M. & RAMIREZ-WONG, F. Time spent to estimate dental age in Peruvian children comparing the Demirjian method and the comprehensive chart based on Demirjian method: A pilot study. Int. J. Morphol., 41(2):451-455, 2023.