Two-Dimensional Analysis of Airway Permeability with Maxillary Sinus Size and its Relationship with the Development of Skeletal Class in a Mexican Population

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Jairo Mariel Cárdenas; José Obed García Cortes; Francisco Javier Gutiérrez Cantú & Ricardo Oliva Rodríguez


To compare the airway permeability and the size of the maxillary sinuses in relation to the skeletal class. 90 lateral skull radiographs were divided into 3 groups, comparing the 3 skeletal classes, which were determined with Steiner's ANB measurement, and these were once in two subgroups that were men and women, in any McNamara analysis was used for the analysis of airways and for the maxillary sinus area measurements were made an antero-posterior and cephalic-caudal. When comparing males with females, statistical significance was identified in the upper class II route (p=≤0,017), lower class III airway (p=≤0.006). At least skeletal classes in men, differences were identified in the upper airway in classes I vs III (p=≤0.05), lower in class I vs III (p=≤0.001) and II vs III (p=≤0.044). With respect to women, significance was identified in the upper airway when comparing class I vs II (p=≤0.043), lower airway in class II vs. III (p=≤0.05), maxillary sinus length to class I vs II (p=≤0.017). Between skeletal class I and class II, maxillary sinus size was shorter in length in skeletal class II women. Between class I and skeletal class III in men, a lower length was found in the upper and lower airways in class I. The airways were found to be smaller in class II subjects

KEY WORDS: Airways dimensions; Maxillary sinus; Skeletal class; Permeability.

How to cite this article

CÁRDENAS, J. M.; GARCÍA, C. J. O.; GUTIÉRREZ, C. F. J. & OLIVA, R. R. Two-dimensional analysis of airway permeability with maxillary sinus size and its relationship with the development of skeletal class in a mexican population. Int. J. Morphol., 41(2):461-465, 2023.