Sigmoid Arteries: Bases for a New Classification

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d’Annibale, Melanie Ayelén; Martinez Hinojosa, Pablo Andrés; Marchesani, Bianca Lucía; Estevez, Lola; Felix, Gonzalo Tomás; Corsiglia, María de los Milagros; Shinzato, Sergio Alberto; Blasi, Esteban Daniel & Bertone, Vicente Hugo


The sigmoid arteries are branches of the in- ferior mesenteric artery and supply the sigmoid colon. They originate from the trunk of the sigmoids. This is the most frequent description according to the consulted authors. The objective is to analyze the variations in the origin and distribution of the sigmoid arteries through dissection. 13 cadaveric preparations formalized at 10 % and instruments were used. The abdominal cavity was dissected to identify the sigmoid arteries. Its bifurcation parallel to the sigmoid colon is evident. It is delimited by palpable repairs. Pattern I: 4 cases (30.8 %). Variant of the sigmoid arcade as a collateral branch of the inferior mesenteric artery. Type Ia: 1 case (25 %). No associations. Type Ib: 1 case (25 %). Associated with the sigmoid trunk. Type Ic: 2 cases (50 %). Associated with accessory sigmoid arteries. Pattern II: 6 cases (46.2 %). Variant of the common trunk between the left colic artery and arteries destined for the sigmoid colon. Type IIa: 3 cases (50 %). No associations. Type IIb: 2 cases (33.3 %). Associated with the sigmoid trunk. Type IIc: 1 case (16.7 %). Associated with accessory sigmoid arteries. Pattern III: 3 cases (23 %). Classic variant. It was defined by the absence of the common trunk with the left colic artery and the sigmoid arcade. Type IIIa: 2 cases (66.7 %). A variable number of sigmoid arteries arise as collateral branches of the inferior mesenteric artery, without being associated with the sigmoid trunk. Type IIIb: 1 case (33.3 %). The left colic artery gives off the first sigmoid artery as a collateral branch and is associated with the sigmoid trunk. 1. Pattern II is the most prevalent in this study (46.2 %). 2. The classic variant is not the predominant one in this research (23 %). 3. The sigmoid arcade has a 53.8 % incidence. KEY WORDS: Sigmoid arteries; Sigmoid colon; Infe- rior mesenteric artery; Left colic artery.

How to cite this article

D’ANNIBALE, M. A.; MARTINEZ HINOJOSA, P. A.; MARCHESANI, B. L.; ESTEVEZ, L.; FELIX, G. T.; CORSIGLIA, M. M.; SHINZATO, S. A.; BLASI, E. D. & BERTONE, V. H. Sigmoid arteries: bases for a new classification. Int. J. Morphol., 41(2):505-511, 2023.