Chromatophilic Substance: a Proposal to Change the Terminologia Histologica and Terminologia Neuroanatomica

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Jhonatan Duque-Colorado; Laura García-Orozco; Bélgica Vásquez; Josefa Alarcón-Apablaza & Mariano del Sol


In Terminologia Histologica and Termi- nologia Neuroanatomica the term Substantia chromatophilica of Greco-Latin origin is registered with the codes H2. and 78, respectively. This term has been used to refer to a conglomerate of structures that together function as protein synthesis machinery and are characteristic of nerve cells. Considering the guidelines of the Federative International Programme for Anatomical Termino- logy (FIPAT) regarding the denomination of structural names with a descriptive and informative value, we believe that the term in question is not the most appropriate. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze and evaluate the concordance of the Greco-Latin roots that compose the term. For this purpose, a search was conducted in the Diccionario de la Lengua Española, Diccionario de Términos Médicos, Diccionario VOX Griego-Español and the Diccionario VOX Ilustrado Latino-Español Español-Latino. The results obtained indicate that the word chromatophilica is not registered in Spanish, however, its synonyms refer to biological material related to dyes. Based on the aforementioned, we propose the term Ribocumulus corponeuralis based on its structure and location, as a replacement for Substantia chromatophilica.

KEY WORDS: Terminologia Histologica; Terminologia Neuroanatomica; Nissl granules; Nissl bodies; Neurosoma.

How to cite this article

DUQUE-COLORADO, J.; GARCÍA-OROZCO, L.; VÁSQUEZ, B.; ALARCÓN-APABLAZA, J. & DEL SOL, M. Chromatophilic substance: a proposal to change the Terminologia Histologica and Terminologia Neuroanatomica. Int. J. Morphol., 41(3):965-970, 2023.