Anatomy e-Learning Experience in Saudi Arabia During the COVID-19 Pandemic - A Narrative Review

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Jayakumar Saikarthik


Anatomy is a three-dimensional subject which needs face-to-face interaction and faced major challenges during the pandemic warranted changes in medical education. A narrative review was conducted to assess the attitude and perception of students and teaching faculty of healthcare professional courses towards Anatomy online teaching in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). A five stage framework narrative reviews outlined by Arksey & O’Malley (2005) was adopted for the current study. Inclusion criteria was studies conducted in Saudi Arabian healthcare professional colleges regarding online Anatomy teaching during the pandemic from March 2020 to April 2023. PRISMA-ScR search strategy was employed for identifying relevant studies which were managed using Endnote reference manager version 20. Nine articles were included in the review out of which two were mixed method studies, two were qualitative and five were quantitative studies. Students and teachers were mostly found to be satisfactory of the Anatomy e-learning experience. Major setbacks found were student and teaching faculty’s negative attitude towards online practical teaching and concerns regarding academic dishonesty in students during online examination. Role of digital proficiency of teachers and students in the success of e-learning was emphasized by the review. This narrative review has mapped out the strengths and gaps in remote Anatomy teaching in Saudi Arabia during COVID-19 pandemic. There is a generally successful transition to e-learning in KSA from conventional teaching in Anatomy during the pandemic notwithstanding a few challenges that need to be addressed to improve the teaching and learning experience of Anatomy. Keywords: Anatomy, Online, E-learning, Saudi Arabia.

KEY WORDS: Anatomía; Online; E-learning;Arabia Saudita.

How to cite this article

SAIKARTHIK, J. Anatomy e-Learning experience in Saudi Arabia during the COVID-19 pandemic- A narrative review. Int. J. Morphol., 41(4):1158-1165, 2023.